So, I’m tenured…now what?

After nine years of employment (three years as an Instructor, followed by the standard six years as Assistant Professor) Arkansas State University has deemed me worthy of continued employment! I am excited to see what the future brings, but I am also working to “steer my own ship” as time marches on.

I’m not looking to work any less hard or sit on the back row and grumble in faculty meetings. I’m ready to dig in deeper, work harder on the projects that are near and dear to my heart, and continue helping the Department of Music grow in size, scope, and quality. I believe in our mission, our team, and most of all, our students. I am blessed to be where I am, and don’t take it for granted.

Years ago, a family friend who was very professionally successful was retiring and selling all of his “hands on” business ventures. When I commented that now he gets to ‘sit around all day and do nothing’ or something similar, he was quick to correct me. He was adamant that regardless of age, we should always have a reason to get up in the morning. To borrow a quote from one of my favorite movies, Shawshank Redemption, “Get busy living, or get busy dying.”

I want to devote more time here on my blog, and my YouTube channel, so that I can get the word out about my teaching and playing. I am working to rewire the parts of my brain that are afraid of contrary opinion. I am comfortable in my playing and teaching skin, and I have some things to say.

Stay tuned, my friends. We’re just getting started!!!


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